One summer day, I went in to Lucky Days, a small town annual celebration held in Luck, WI. There right on the sidewalk of Main Street, I saw Marjorie Everson and her daughter Susan, who were sitting at a table they’d set up to display the book that Marjorie wrote, called “Carl.” I bought one of her books, and went home to our little lake cabin outside of Luck and sat down and read it. I love to read children books by other authors to see how they tell their stories and to enjoy the illustrations.

Marjorie Everson
Marjorie, who was born in northwestern Wisconsin, in 1929, and raised at her farm home, did a very good job of telling the true story about what she did when she was young, to help stop a bullying situation at her school. I think the illustrator did such a good job depicting the scenes of the story and showing the emotion that goes along with bullying. I also felt this could be a good resource children book for teachers to read in the kindergarten to third grade age range, for the subject of bullying.
The very next day, I went into Luck and bought four more books to send to children as gifts. One of the books went to my niece, Kristin for her little girls, Jordon and Dani. Kristin wrote an article about how her children enjoyed the book that you can read on our website.
Now we are working with Margorie to get as many of her books into schools (through our programs) as we can. The sale of her books, helps Marjorie, who is 82 years old, pay the bills for her house in the country outside of Luck, where she has lived for many years. We are very happy to buy them from her to share with others. Soon, they will be available for sale to others through a website set up by her daughter Susan, and we will let you know how you can buy a copy of your very own as soon as possible.
The story book that I wrote, “Annie and Little One”, is a lyrically written story about what to do if kids are behaving meanly, and how to think better thoughts and keep your spirits up. The two books together, make a good pair for elementary school children to read, to help deal with bullying issues in their lives.
– Christine Tortorella