TAFT school visit w/Ann Sather

Tickets for Rocky visit to TAFT school this year with Ann Sather This is the pre school class that she reads to weekly, and the place we visit each year. All the children got the new book and cd of Tickets for Rocky. Ann and I were surprised with a gift from the...

Do Bugs Have Belly Buttons?

Do Bugs Have Belly Buttons? A book  and music CD by Christine Tortorella Sample Audio … [wpaudio url=”http://dobugshavebellybuttons.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/thebugbeat.mp3″ title=”The Bug Beat”] … Sample...

Annie & Little One

written by Christine J. Tortorella… Illustrated by Sally Mohr… designed by Jen Larcom… In this musical story, Annie & Little One help each other cope through tough times, reminding each other of the “good things” around them, and...